Our two flagship bioremediation products – TPHenhanced™ and ERDenhanced™ – are proven effective in the lab and field, having been used to remediate: Brownfield redevelopment sites, former and operating gas stations, dry cleaners, manufacturing facilities, residential properties, and more.

bioremediation products


TerraStryke™ TPHENHANCED™ will

    • Enhance the bioavailability of sorbed, residual source mass, effectively getting the rebound out upfront
    • Expedite the destruction of dissolved-phase petroleum hydrocarbons, effectively enhancing realization of long-term site compliance objectives
    • Minimize on-site impacts and the need for aboveground equipment, allowing for redevelopment concurrent with remediation.
    • Maximize the value of your Remediation Dollar by reducing overall project costs and minimize impacts by effectively eliminating nuisance noise, exhaust and emissions.

    TPHenhanced is demonstrated to enhance the realization of superior rates of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation, and when compared to current industry standards, for longer periods of sustainability and less costs.

    bioremediation products


    TerraStryke™ ERDENHANCED™ will:

    • Provide decades (yes decades!!) of reducing conditions after a single deployment program, eliminating multiple deployment events, and maximizing your remediation dollar.
    • Enhance the realization of complete biotransformation, with no stall and/or adverse vapor contaminants.
    • Expedite the solubilization of residual (sorbed) source mass, enhancing contaminant bioavailability while minimizing site impacts, allowing for redevelopment concurrent with remediation.
    • Increase subsurface distribution capabilities, decreasing site time and project costs.
    • Expedite the realization of 2-3 order-of-magnitude reductions in contaminant mass in months, not years.

    ERDenhanced will save a decade on remediation timeframes and hundreds of thousands in remediation costs!! Save money and minimize impacts while sequestering Greenhouse Gases.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do TerraStryke’s products work?

    Well, that’s a two-part question, having two flagship products. All of our products are biostimulants, designed to enhance the subsurface ecosystem and nourish native microbial populations’ ability to degrade organic compounds i.e. contaminants.

    The patented and proprietary nature of our products is their ability to enhance microbial development under anaerobic conditions so that they can establish working consortiums within community-established structures. This provides protection from predation, and enhances communication and genetic sharing so that selection and community focus is centered to allow sustainable utilization (degradation) of the contaminant (energy source) available. Our processes rethink the way to implement bioremediation, at any site, with any contaminant.

    Specifically, for chlorinated volatile organic compounds, our biostimulation additive ERDenhanced provides decades of sustainable reducing conditions after a single injection program allowing you to realize complete biotransformation and mass destruction in months, not years, with minimal environmental impacts and no above-ground support equipment.

    For petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contaminated sites our biostimulation additive TPHenhanced provides low-impact contaminant destruction without above ground support equipment and the generation of nuisance noise, emissions and vapors; saving you costs while realizing your site remediation objectives.

    Our additives are proprietary, and in the case of ERDenhanced patented, and are basically food grade components and/or a formulated blend of macro-micro nutrients, which enhances native microbial activity while maintaining anaerobic conditions.

    Our products enhance the heterotrophic prokaryote populations of the world to harness 4-billion years of Mother Nature’s experience at adapting, exploiting, and harnessing available energy(s). Our additives provide that which, prior to amending, represents the major limiting factor to realizing maximum microbial development and performance. You might say ours is the final piece to the puzzle and the secret to the establishment of appropriate subsurface conditions that once attained, the native microbial communities will do the rest. This is a better way.

    Does temperature affect product viscosity?

    When our products are blended with site water, product is delivered dry in 33-lb (15-kg) bags. The viscosity of prescribed slurry/solution will not change due to variations in atmospheric temperatures.

    Will they work on smear zones?

    Yes! This represents a major benefit to the use of our additives – they enhance native microbial development of protective structures, which also facilitate the solubilization, i.e. washing, of residual source mass from saturated soils. (Residual source mass meaning sorbed mass, belbs, gangliatice stringers, etc.)

    This is how microbial populations get their food. Residual mass is not available to microbials, just too hard to get, as they need contaminants to be in the dissolved phase. As the additive-enhanced populations grow in densities they collectively begin to secrete biosurfactants which act to ‘wash’ bound mass to the dissolved-phase where it can be respired (chlorinated solvents) or assimilated (petroleum hydrocarbon sites).

    Our products get the rebound out upfront, maximizing performance over the short term, to assist in the realization of site remediation objectives over the long-term.

    How are they deployed?

    Our additives are amendable to basically any deployment technology available. The viscosity of both additives is extremely workable with TPHenhanced basically being as thin as ‘water’, and ERDenhanced, when blended, typically with a viscosity similar to 2% whole milk. Another major benefit is the viscosity of either product, when blended with site water, will not change due to temperature!

    Our products have been deployed simply by placing layers of solid additive atop excavation floors concurrent with backfilling, to infiltration galleries, direct push injection probes, and/or passive gravity feed into established subsurface structures. Basically, we will make it work regardless of how you wish to deploy it, including permeable reactive barriers.

    Does it work in clay?

    Yes. Due to the ‘thinness’ of our additives, distribution is enhanced throughout the subsurface, even into typical non-perm zones. In combination with the expedited solubilization of residual source mass, degradation of site contaminants in these ‘non-approachable’ conditions are regularly observed, to include contaminated areas within fractured bedrock.