TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
Residual Source Mass Remediation Fire Training Center:
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Naphthalene, BTEX Former Chanute Air Force Base, Illinois USA
BACKGROUND: Former fire training ground located within US Air Force (USAF) facility. Past use resulted in Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and Petroleum Hydrocarbon (PHC) impacted smear zone and groundwater.
RESULTS: 12-months after TPHEnhanced™ deployment additive enhanced microbial populations expedited the solubilization of residual source mass contaminants; realizing a greater-than 23-fold increase in dissolved-phase concentrations VOCs at MW-6116 (23.3 µg/L to 556 µg/L). Five months after reaching peak bioavailability, total VOCs decreased ≈75% and ≈95% additive was apparently assimilated. Specifically, VOC concentrations within TPHEnhanced™ amended groundwater realized:
- 30-fold increase [Benzene], followed by >71.8% reduction; solubilization, destruction
- A secondary 6-fold increase in benzene, followed by an additional >74.2% reduction
- A near 10-fold increase in [total VOCs] followed by >71.9% reduction; and similarly,
- A secondary 9-fold increase in total VOCs followed by an additional >74.7% reduction
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TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
DNAPL Source Zone Green Remediation Optics Manufacturing Facility,
Lebanon, New Hampshire
BACKGROUND: Optical manufacturer desired sustainable low-impact groundwater solution. ERDEnhanced™ (2,600 pounds) deployed in 2001 via direct-push technology (26 nodes) into two, silty-clay, laterally continuous, hydraulically conductive source zones; baseline concentration of Trichloroethylene (TCE) ≈97,400 micrograms per liter (μg/L), roughly 9% solubility of TCE, indicating significant residual source mass in saturated soils as non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL).
RESULTS: Post 6-month deployment, TCE decreased 86% followed by 4-5 years of enhanced solubilization of residual Parent Perchloroethylene (PCE) DNAPL into dissolved phase, recorded as asymptotic TCE. Concurrent with the period of expedited solubilization was increased cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE) and Ethene generation, indicating complete biotransformation and >99.9% reduction in PCE by 2010; additionally:
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TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
Residual Source Mass Remediation Using Low-Impact Biostimulation
Direct Push Injection Program; Fuel Oil Distribution Facility, NH
BACKGROUND: Based on positive results of an on-site Passive Release Sock (PRS) evaluation, TPHEnhanced™ was chosen to biostimulate the degradation of dissolved-phase and residual source mass volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a silty-clay water bearing unit. TPHEnhanced™ is a low-impact remediation strategy that allows uninterrupted site operations.
RESULTS: Baseline VOCTOTAL in treatment zone approached 16,300 ug/L and realized:
- 70% – 97% REDUCTION in [VOCTOTAL]
- 70% – 98% REDUCTION in [BTEXTOTAL]
- 70% – 98% REDUCTION in [Alkylbenzene]
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TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
Simple Additive Delivery Approach Former Textile Manufacturing Facility,
Hamilton, Ontario Canada
BACKGROUND: Former textile mill with continuous operations from early 1800’s through 1960’s. Past use of the solvent Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) adversely impacted Site groundwater with PCE. Trichloroethylene (TCE) and cis-1, 2-Dichloroethylene (cis-DCE) were also documented in 2010 above Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) Table 3 SCS standards..
BASELINE: PoPCE 43,000 μg/Kg (micrograms per kilogram) in saturated soils proximate to MW-9 and the source zone contaminants. TCE and cis-DCE 1.4 μg/Kg and 0.5 μg/Kg, respectively. PCE in groundwater at MW-9 120,000 μg/Liter with TCE and cis-DCE 700 μg/Kg, and 560 μg/Kg, respectively.
RESULTS: ERDEnhanced™amended groundwater realized:
- 80% REDUCTION in cis-DCE with no rebound and no detectable concentrations of Vinyl chloride (VC)
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TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
Residual Source Mass Remediation Abandoned Oil-Gas Production Facility –
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, BTEX Legacy Production Water Retention Pond, Colorado
PROCEDURES: Treatment area approximately 80x80ft (6,400 ft2) with estimated 5-foot vertical impact. 26 injection nodes, constructed of 2-inch OD PVC, previously installed using 10-foot centers within the treatment area. Using existing infrastructure, groundwater was amended with TPHEnhanced™ using Passive Release Sock (PRS) deployment units at each node. PRS units are 5-ft long, contains ≈2-pounds of additive, and were deployed twice during 9-month evaluation, March 2017 then May 2017. Two monitoring wells, MW-7 within the treatment area and MW-4 downgradient the treatment area, were periodically monitored/sampled to evaluate product efficacy. Post TPHEnhanced™ deployment observations included solubilization of residual mass and destruction of newly bioavailable dissolved contaminant:.
RESULTS: From peak bioavailability, the following reductions were observed at MW-4:
- 98% decrease in Benzene after >1,000% increase
- 83% decrease in Ethylbenzene, after initial 768% increase, and
- 97% decrease in Xylenes after initial 2,500%+ increase
Toluene was BDL throughout the evaluation
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TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
Cost-Effective, Low-Impact Residual Groundwater Remediation Petroleum
Fuel Oil Release; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
BACKGROUND: Manufacturing facility where after removal of an Underground Storage Tank (UST), and adversely impacted soils, residual PHC source mass was documented as light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL). Physical recovery decreased LNAPL thickness from 1.3 ft to 0.18 ft over a 3-year period. The regulatory contaminant drivers included Naphthalene and 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (1,2,4-TMB). TPHEnhanced™ was deployed in 2010 via direct push injection in the vicinity of the former UST excavation.
RESULTS: Within 6 months after additive deployment, the following results were observed:
- Concentrations of Naphthalene decreased by approximately 92%
- Concentrations of 1,2,4-TMB decreased by approximately 83%
- Naphthalene decreased from 118 ug/L to 8.8 ug/L
- 1,2,4-TMB decreased from 97.7 ug/L to 17 ug/L
Post deployment of the biostimulation additive TPHEnhanced™ each of the above contaminants of concern and additionally Benzene and other PHC contaminants have remained within regulatory standards
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TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
In-Situ Proof-of-Concept & Pilot Study
Former Dry Cleaner: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Chlorinated Ethene DNAPL Source Zone
BACKGROUND: The site, a former suburban dry cleaner, is the end unit of a strip-mall. Obtained through a bankruptcy, Owner wished to remediate subsurface soil/ groundwater conditions to allow redevelopment/re-occupancy. Less than 4-years after a single ERDEnhanced™ deployment event, moles of PCE and total [cVOCs] decreased >99%↓, the site has been redeveloped, occupied and realized a 200% increase in value; while saving the Owner 10-years and over $500,000 in initial remediation costs.
RESULTS: Based on results of a 2011 on-site Proof-of-Concept study, a voluntary biostimulation program was implemented by the Owner in 2014. Using a subslab infiltration gallery, a 12% additive slurry (4,224 pounds additive to equal parts water) was gravity fed to the subsurface, displacing <7% pore space volume within the amending zone. Baseline [PCE] averaged >15,000 ug/L with minimal daughter products present. 18-months after deployment, concentrations PCE and all daughter products decreased >99% within the amending plume and ≈45ft downgradient the amending gallery; with average reductions in the plume: >96% (PCE), >88% (TCE), >94% (cis-DCE), and 92% (VC).
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TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
Residual Source Mass Remediation USAF Fire Training Center:
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Naphthalene, BTEX Former Chanute Air Force Base,
Illinois USA
RESULTS: After TPHEnhanced™ deployment, native microbials enhanced the solubilization of residual source mass contaminants, represented by a greater-than 23-fold increase in dissolved phase total VOC concentrations (from 23.3 ug/L to 556 ug/L MW-6116). Five months later, total VOCs realized ≈ 75% reduction in bioavailable contaminants and >95% additive assimilation. Specifically, VOC concentrations within TPHEnhanced™ amended groundwater realized:
- A near 30-fold increase in benzene, followed by >71.8% reduction
- A secondary 6-fold increase in benzene, followed by >74.2% reduction
- A near 10-fold increase in total VOCs followed by >71.9% reduction
- A secondary 9-fold increase in total VOCs followed by >74.7% reduction
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TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
Deep Aquifer cVOC Groundwater Remediation Evaluation Process
Using Simple Additive Delivery Approach; NASA, Stennis Space Center Area D
BACKGROUND: NASA Stennis Space Center, Passive Release Sock (PRS) Pilot Study. Evaluated additive efficacy under actual biogeochemical conditions. Past Site use impacted several groundwater bearing units with Trichloroethylene (TCE). PRS pilot implemented at Area D, amending well MW06-12, screened within the 3rd and deepest TCE impacted water bearing unit. Lab based microcosm evaluation also performed.
PROCESS: MW06-12 amended with ERDEnhanced™ filled PRS units suspended in screened well interval. PRS units replaced 5-times over 14-month study creating ≈3ft AOI. Groundwater monitoring, sampling, analytical testing completed each replacement event. Additive efficacy determined by comparing performance data to baseline.
- No Vinyl chloride recorded throughout evaluation
- Secondary geochemistry provides evidence supportive of biotic dechlorination
- 99.99% REDUCTION dissolved-phase concentrations TCE within 7-months deployment;
- 95.7%REDUCTION moles TCE
- 82.7%REDUCTION moles total-cVOCs, and
- 82.7%REDUCTION in P:PD Ratio.Download full case study here.
TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
PRS Based Proof-of-Concept Evaluation
Residual DNAPL Source Zone Remediation – Part I
Using Simple Additive Delivery Approach; Ohio Manufacturing Facility
BACKGROUND: Former industrial facility with Trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater at ≈30% solubility, indicating significant DNAPL. TCE is the ‘parent’ cVOC contaminant.
PROCESS: 20-months evaluation; three monitoring wells amended using additive filled Passive Release Sock (PRS) deployment units; fourth, a monitored control. PRS units are suspended in saturated casing volume of test well, remaining 6-8 weeks, then replaced periodically to maintain additive residency time. BioTraps® were deployed in each monitoring well; groundwater monitoring/sampling performed with each replacement.
RESULTS: 20-months post additive deployment, amended wells averaged 98.5% reduction in parent-parent/daughter ratios with secondary lines of evidence to support additive enhanced reductive dechlorination. Observations include temporal increases in carbon, expedited alternative electron scavenging, and general increases in ethene concentrations at each amended well. At MW-38A, >99.9% reduction in parent [TCE] was realized.
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TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
Treatability Evaluation, Residual DNAPL Source Zone Remediation – Part II
Direct Injection Additive Delivery Approach; Ohio Manufacturing Facility
BACKGROUND: Former industrial facility with Trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater at ≈30% solubility, indicating significant DNAPL. TCE is the ‘parent’ cVOC contaminant.
PROCESS: Fall 2015 treatability study: 2-injection wells; estimated 35ft AOI. Network of 13 monitoring wells sampled to evaluate additive efficacy through November 2019. Injected 1,040-gallons 12% additive slurry per well, displacing 7.6% pore space volume. Estimated 25,000 c.f. amended zone. Graph below shows results 4-years post injection.
RESULTS: Injection wells IW-1A/MW-40A realized 88.8% and 99.4% reduction [cVOCs]. Monitoring well MW-43A 40ft downgradient realized >99.9% reduction [TCE]; and, 96.9% reduction in total cVOCs with drop in Parent:Parent-Daughter Ratio (P:PD) from 91.1% to 0.6%. Secondary lines of evidence documented to support additive enhanced reductive dechlorination; including temporal increases in carbon, expedited alternative electron scavenging, and consistent Ethene generation confirming complete cVOC biotransformation.
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TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
Treatability Study; Residual DNAPL Source Zone Remediation – Part III
Using Simple Additive Delivery Approach; Ohio Manufacturing Facility
BACKGROUND: Former industrial facility with Trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater at ≈30% solubility, indicating significant DNAPL. TCE is the ‘parent’ cVOC contaminant.
PROCESS: July 2017 treatability study performed within 2012 PRS evaluation zone. Injection well MW-32A (former Control). Three monitoring wells nearby, seven downgradient, all sampled during evaluation process. Injected 2,200-gallons 12% additive slurry, displacing 7.4% pore space volume within estimated 16,000c.f zone. Groundwater monitoring/sampling performed quarterly through November 2019.
RESULTS: Since July 2017 MW-32A realized 93.3% reduction in [TCE] and 80.1% reduction in [cVOCtotal]. The Parent-parent/daughter ratio (P:PD) decreased by 76.1% with a 72% reduction in total moles cVOCs. Secondary lines of evidence documented to support additive enhanced reductive dechlorination; including, temporal increases in carbon, expedited alternative electron scavenging, and general increases in generation of ethene.
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TerraStryke ERDEnhanced™
In-Situ Passive Pilot Study Chlorinated DNAPL Source Zone
Former Dry Cleaner Operations, Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
BACKGROUND: Former dry cleaner operation, current site use includes dry cleaning store front, retail, offices, and apartments. Past Site use included use/storage of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs); specifically, Tetrachloroethylene (PCE). Past characterization activity documented adverse impacts to subsurface soils and groundwater. Previous remedial efforts proved ineffective and costly. Owner desired a low-cost, low-impact remedial solution that meets compliance and redevelopment objectives.
METHOD: In 2011, the City of Hamilton Ontario sponsored an on-site Pilot Study to evaluate additive efficacy under site biogeochemical conditions. Additive-filled Passive Release Sock (PRS) deployment units were suspended, undisturbed for 6-week periods, in the screened interval of monitoring well MW-9A. PRS units passively amend a limited treatment zone (≤3ft AOI). Five replacement events were completed over a 7-month evaluation period, with baseline and performance groundwater monitoring, sampling, and analytical testing completed during each event. ERDEnhanced™ efficacy determined by comparing performance data to baseline.
RESULTS: Specifically, in total cVOC reductions; after a 275% increase in parent [PCE] due to additive enhanced co-solvent effect, a 76.8%REDUCTION in [cVOCTOTAL] was realized after 8-month evaluation. Additionally, reductions in daughter products include: 76.6% reduction [PCE], 81.8% reduction [TCE], 91.0% reduction [cis-DCE], and 78.8% reduction in [VC]. Furthermore, secondary geochemical metrics recorded during the evaluation provides supportive evidence of amendment enhanced reductive dechlorination.
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TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
In-Situ LNAPL, Petroleum Hydrocarbon Destruction by Indigenous
Microbials via Biostimulation Alone. Simple Additive Delivery Approach;
Legacy Contaminant Site, Seattle WA
RESULTS: Groundwater additive availability peaked as HPC densities and Nitrates (NO3) decreased to below baseline 4-months post injection. Over next 10-months groundwater monitoring recorded additive levels and bulk water microbial densities remained below detection levels (BDL) however, during this same period dissolved-phase concentrations GRO/BTEX decreased by 93.5% and 98.7% from peak bioavailability, respectively.
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TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
In-Situ Petroleum Hydrocarbon LNAPL Destruction via Biostimulation Alone.
Proof-of-Concept Evaluation Using Simple Additive Delivery Approach
Former Gas Station, Denver CO
BACKGROUND: Total Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TVPH) contaminants exceeding regulatory guidelines sorbed to saturated soils with downgradient dissolved-phase migration from former UST excavation area into adjacent on-off-site native soils. Contaminant of Concern (COC) Benzene. Baseline [Benzene] recorded 6.03 mg/L, [TVPH] at 31.6 mg/L, and swimming/planktonic bulk water Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC) at 7.6 x 106 cfu/mL. Regulatory agency and Owner seeking low-impact low-cost solution to legacy issue.
RESULTS: Additive was available throughout the 7-month evaluation until PRS deployments ceased 2-weeks prior to evaluation end. Midway through the evaluation [COCs] realized a 69%↓ and 83%↓ reduction in Benzene and TVPH, respectively. During same time HPC densities decreased to BDL. Subsequently, [COCs] continued to trend downward (61%↓ more) while demonstrating periods of solubilization as HPC densities of swimming bacteria returned though remaining 2-3 OM below baseline levels, indicating continued sequestering of non-motile bacteria in the biofilm and the emergence of ‘scouts’ from the biofilm itself.
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TerraStryke TPHEnhanced™
Residual Diesel and Oil Range Organics LNAPL Source Zone Remediation
Simple Additive Delivery Approach; Future Retail Development, Seattle WA
SITE: Future condominium development site contaminated with Diesel Range and Oil Range Organics (DRO/ORO) in saturated soils and groundwater at dissolved-phase concentrations indicative of residual Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL).
PROCESS: Six-month evaluation passively deployed solution of TPHEnhanced™ with minimal amounts of a fully encapsulating surfactant blended 1:2 with water. Total volumes used 615-pounds additive, 16-gallons surfactant, with water, gravity fed into RW-2 over three separate deployment events. Specifically, 420-gallons TPHEnhanced™ solution only March 27, 2021, 390-gallons additive solution with 8-gallons surfactant May 2021, and 420-gallons additive solution with 8-gallons surfactant June 2021. The Area-of-Influence was assumed to extend approximately 15-20ft about RW-2. Additive performance monitored from groundwater samples collected monthly from RW-2 and a network of 6 monitoring wells to include one upgradient well.
RESULTS: TPHEnhanced™ amended RW-2 realized no change in [DRO]/[ORO] after the first deployment; however, Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC) increased from 40 colonies per Litre to 2.8 x 105 to attain assumed quorum densities. Less than one month later the planktonic densities plummeted to BDL. Concurrently, [DRO] and [Oil-TPH] increase three-fold to 300 mg/L and 400 mg/L; an assumed ‘rebound’ of sorbed contaminant mass to the groundwater as microbial densities and associated performance rates apparently fail. What then happens demonstrates the behaviour expected because of Bioremediation 4.0. Shortly after the second deployment of additive solution is performed in May, as planktonic densities remain BDL, concentrations of [DRO] decrease 97.3% to 8.1 mg/L and [Oil-TPH] decreases >99.99% to BDL. Only after dissolved-phase concentrations of site contaminants (available protons) decrease to 1-2% baseline levels, densities of planktonic bacteria return to levels 3 orders-of-magnitude greater than reported when assumed quorum densities were achieved immediately prior to peak contaminant (proton) destruction/utilization levels or, 8.0 x 104 colonies per Litre.
Secondary geochemical parameters including dissolved-phase Manganese and Iron, Sulphate and Oxygen reduction Potential (ORP) data supports changes due to enhanced biological activity stimulated by the additive-solution cocktail.
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TerraStryke® ERDenhanced™
2015 On-Site Efficacy Evaluation, Residual DNAPL Source Zone ERDenhanced™ PRS Additive Delivery Approach; Ohio Manufacturing Facility
SITE: Former industrial facility with Trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater at ≈30% solubility, indicating significant DNAPL. TCE is the ‘parent’ cVOC contaminant.
PROCESS: Treatability study amended 2-injection wells each with estimated 35ft AOI. 1,040-gallons additive slurry deployed per well creating 25,000 c.f. amended zone. Efficacy evaluated using series of thirteen monitoring wells from 2015 to present. Graph below shows results 4-years post injection.
RESULTS: Deployment wells (IW-1A/MW-40A) realized 88.8%↓ & 99.4%↓ reduction [cVOCs] in <12 months; whereas, 40ft downgradient [TCE] decreased >99.9%↓; while, Parent:Parent-Daughter Ratio (P:PD) decreased from 91.1% to 0.6%.
Secondary geochemical evidence supports amendment efficacy and expedited reductive dechlorination of Site cVOCs by indigenous microbial populations including, temporal increases in Carbon; expedited alternative electron scavenging, and Ethene generation throughout confirming complete cVOC biotransformation occurred. The graph below plots additive availability and utilization (TOC), dissolved-phase contaminant concentrations, and changes in P:PD ratios at deployment node MW-40A.
SUMMARY: Introduction of the TerraStryke biostimulant ERDenhanced clearly restored the ecosystem’s ability to support indigenous microbials dehalorespiration of cVOC contaminants in an expedited and complete manner, sustainably and organically. What does this mean to you? Expedited site compliance by organically eliminating rebound upfront, destroying residual DNAPL and dissolved-phase cVOC contaminants faster, while sequestering Greenhouse gasses; all, with less-impacts, less-effort, and less-cost.
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TerraStryke® ERDenhanced™
In-Situ Passive Pilot Study – Chlorinated DNAPL Source Zone
Former Dry Cleaner; Stoney Creek, Ontario Canada
BACKGROUND: Former operating dry cleaner with past use including use and storage of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs). Specifically, Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was used at the Site. Site characterization activities documented cVOC impacts to subsurface soils and groundwater. Previous remedial efforts proved ineffective and costly. TerraStryke® proved biostimulation is a low-cost, low-impact solution to organically meet redevelopment objectives.
METHOD: 2011 City of Hamilton Ontario sponsored Pilot Study performed at Site to evaluate additive efficacy under actual Site biogeochemical conditions. Passive Release Sock (PRS) deployment units used to passively amend a 1-2 meter AOI about MW-9A over 7-month evaluation period which included 5 PRS replacement events. Baseline and performance groundwater monitoring, sampling and analytical testing completed concurrent with each replacement event. ERDenhanced™ efficacy was determined by comparing performance data to baseline data.
RESULTS: 7-month evaluation produced the following results
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TerraStryke® ERDenhanced™
Residual DNAPL Source Zone Remediation
Simple Additive Delivery Approach; Future Retail Development, Ottawa QC
TerraStryke® Products LLC develop and distribute biostimulation additives proven to maximize the performance of your remediation project, expediting contaminant destruction, eliminating rebound, realizing long-term compliance with minimal impacts and less cost.
SITE: Future retail development site contaminated with Trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater at dissolved-phase concentrations indicative of residual DNAPL.
PROCESS: 9-month evaluation with six monitoring wells amended using additive filled Passive Release Sock (PRS) deployment units; three monitoring wells amended with ERDenhanced™, 3 amended with industry standard carbon-based sole electron donor HRC. One well monitored as Control. Groundwater monitoring/sampling was performed with each replacement event.
RESULTS: ERDenhanced™ amended wells realized an average 92.2%↓ reduction in Parent;Parent Daughter ratios and ≈80%↓ reduction in diss.phase concentrations TCE.
The competing HRC realized ≤17% reduction in P:PD ratio, ≤7% reduction in [TCE].
CONCLUSIONS: ERDenhanced™ restores the microbial ecosystem to allow indigenous microbial populations to evolve and adapt to existing site conditions and exploit available organic compounds as energy. Increased destruction, seen as reductions in P:PD Ratio’s, ensure long-term compliance and complete contaminant destruction.
Download full case study here.
TerraStryke® ERDenhanced™ cVOC Remediation Strategy Evaluation
Simple Additive Delivery Approach using PRS Units
Former Textile Manufacturing Facility, Hamilton, Ontario Canada
BACKGROUND: Former textile mill, continuous operations from early 1800’s through 1960’s. Past use of the solvent Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) adversely impacted Site groundwater. ‘Daughter’ cVOCs Trichloroethylene (TCE) and cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (cis-1,2-DCE), documented above Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) Table 3 SCS standards.
BASELINE: Source zone [PCE] in groundwater 120,000 micrograms per kilogram (µg/Kg); ‘daughter’ cVOC [TCE] ≈150,000 µg/L, [cis-DCE] > 60,000 µg/L.
RESULTS: ERDenhanced™ In 6-months amended groundwater realized >99% reduction in PCE; >95% reduction in TCE; and, >81% reduction in cis-1,2-DCE, with no rebound and/or detectable concentrations of vinyl chloride (VC).
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TerraStryke® ERDenhanced™
cVOC Saturated Soils and Groundwater Contamination Technology Manufacturer
Biostimulation Alone Treatability Evaluation Using ERDenhanced™
SITE: Technology manufacturer operating where past use adversely impacted saturated soil/groundwater bearing units with chlorinated volatile organics (cVOCs). Baseline concentrations Trichloroethylene (TCE) <10 ug/L in source zone and total cVOCs <1,000 ug/L, the majority being cis-Dichloroethylene with P:PD Ratio ≈70%.
GOAL: Treatability study to determine efficacy of biostimulation alone to expedite and support complete biotransformation of Site cVOCs by indigenous dehalorespiring bacteria to Ethene. In essence, restore the microbial ecosystem (treatment zone) to support microbial communication, growth, and performance through development of additive enhanced biofilm.
PROCESS: 2,079 pounds biostimulant ERDenhanced™ deployed to subsurface in October 2021 via four deployment nodes equidistant MW-20 located proximate source zone contaminants. DPTused to deploy additive-slurry in 40ft x 40ft treatment zone with 15ft vertical impact. Monitoring: Groundwater monitored and sampled for analytical testing at MW-20 and two downgradient wells; MW-19, 30ft downgradient and MW-4, 60ft downgradient amended zone.
RESULTS: Immediately post deployment dissolved-phase concentrations of the parent TCE at MW-20 increased 393% due to enhanced microbial liberation of sorbed contaminant mass to the dissolved-phase. As the TCE is dehalorespired (utilized) it is biotransformed to the daughter cVOC cis-DCE; seen as, a 316% increase in cis-DCE. From DCE it transforms to VC then Ethene.
Within this restored ecosystem indigenous microbes rapidly utilize available electrons on the cVOCs. As cis-DCE is utilized we realize a 97.8% decrease in same. Concurrently, we realize >99% reduction in VC as Ethene increases >3,000% confirming complete biotransformation.
Download full case study here.
TerraStryke® ERDenhanced™
Deep Aquifer cVOC Groundwater Destruction via Biostimulation Strategy Alone
NASA, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, Area E
SITE: Area E is location of past chlorinated solvent (cVOC) bulk transfer operations. Past use adversely impacted deep soils and groundwater bearing unit. Parent cVOC is Trichloroethylene (TCE) with baseline concentrations in source zone groundwater (MW-20) was recorded at 219,000 ug/L in April 2021 with minimal daughters present. Area of impacts with ≥1,000 ug/L total cVOCs exceeds 400,000 cubic feet.
STRATEGY: Biostimulation chosen singular remedial strategy based on successful 2011 Area C proof-of-concept study. Additive utilized was ERDenhanced™ due to proven ability to restore and support the subsurface ecosystem and the growth, communication, and performance of indigenous microbial populations.
Blended with water, the additive-slurry was deployed under low pressure via a network of ENrx subsurface horizontal galleries. The viscosity of the slurry is like 2%-milk. 16,632 lbs additive with ≈17,000-gallons water deployed over impacted treatment zone. Roughly 1,000-gallons slurry deployed per gallery.
MONITORING: Extensive array of monitoring wells evaluated routine by NASA. GC/MS analyses performed on bulk water and ‘slime’ samples bi-annually. The slime is believed to be biofilm established by the additive enhanced microbes in their restored ecosystem.
RESULTS: Within 10-months after the mid-June deployment of ERDenhanced™ into the adversely impacted groundwater bearing unit at Area E, the volume of area with impacts ≥1,000 ug/L total cVOCs decreased by 90% to ≈40,000 c.f. Furthermore, concentrations of the parent TCE decreased 98.0% from 210,000 ug/L to 4,100 ug/L (MW-20).
Download full case study here.