ERDenhanced™ – Real-life applications, real-life results
Posted March 18, 2021

ERDenhanced is a straightforward simple solution with sustainable results. This patented biostimulation product provides decades of reducing conditions while realizing complete cVOC biotransformation after a single deployment program.

TerraStryke has decades of experience with ERDenhanced and REAL results generated over the long term to show for its success. Here are just a few:

Optical manufacturer | Lebanon, New Hampshire

In 2001, we deployed 2,600 lbs of ERDenhanced at the site of an optical manufacturer seeking a sustainable, low-impact groundwater solution. Baseline concentrations of trichloroethylene (TCE) were approximately (100,000 ug/L (97,400 µg/L micrograms per liter), with no daughter products present. The TCE was well above solubility resulting in significant residual mass throughout the saturated lenses.

Just 6 months after the deployment, dissolved-phase concentrations of TCE decreased by >86%. This was followed by 4–5 years of enhanced solubilization of residual source mass concurrent with contaminant biotransformation (daughter production). By 2005 all parent TCE was destroyed with a 99.9% reduction in TCE and Ethene detections throughout this time confirming ongoing complete biotransformation. Four years later, in 2009, we observed a 99.99% decrease in total cVOCs and since then, no rebound, no additional deployments, no cis-stall, no indoor ambient air issues, no more costs. 20 years plus sustainability, complete biotransformation, cost-effective remediation working with Nature.

[Read the full case study]

Textile mill | Hamilton, Ontario

At a former textile mill with continuous operations from the early 1800s through to the 1960s, use of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) adversely impacted groundwater on the site. In 2010, concentrations of trichloroethelyne (TCE) and cis-1,2-dichloroehtlyene (cis-DCE) were also above Ontario Ministry of Environment standards. Baseline concentrations were as follows:

  • PCE: 43,000 µg/kg in saturated soil and 120,000 µg/L in groundwater
  • TCE: 1.4 µg/kg in saturated soil and 700 µg/L in groundwater
  • cis-DCE: 0.5 µg/kg in saturated soil and 560 µg/L in groundwater

Just 7 months after implementation of an on-site ERDenhanced treatability evaluation, groundwater concentrations realized a 98% reduction in PCE, 95% reduction in TCE, and 80% reduction in cis-DCE, with no rebound and no detectable concentrations of vinyl chloride. As a result, the site has moved forward with a Phased Full-Scale remedial strategy using ERDenhanced.

[Read the full case study]

Mississipian/Pennsylvanian aquifer

Recently we received a note from a Senior Hydrogeologist and Project Manager familiar with TPHenhanced in association with Utility, Rail and Transportation petroleum/PCB related spills. The note indicated he had evaluated ERDenhanced at a site with cVOC impacted, highly weathered and fractured, sandstone. The site was currently operating several P&T systems for the past 25-years; never attaining regulatory compliance, never realizing complete biostranformation of the parent TCE contaminant, and never not spending O&M monies.

They reported, in amazement, after adding 20 lbs of ERDenhanced into an aquifer in April 2018 total concentrations of cVOC contaminants decreased >99.6% in 12-months. ERDenhanced achieved for PENNIES what 25 years of P&T had failed to ever achieve: compliance opportunities at lower costs with complete contaminant destruction.

“ERDenhanced accomplished this completely in less than a year,” he says. “I reduced a lot of mass in that 25 years, but I hadn’t prepped the aquifer (i.e.. introduced ERDenhanced) for the right conditions to eliminate the contaminates.” In January 2021, the only detectable concentration was 15 µg/L of VC.

Dry cleaner | Burlington, Ontario

Similarly, ERDenhanced facilitated the remediation of a dry cleaner site in 4 years; saving the owner 10 years of remediation efforts and over $500,000 in costs when compared to proposed P&T systems presented. In fact, ERDenhanced reduced parent PCE, and all other cVOC constituents, in fractured weathered shale by >99.5%.The site is now an operable bakery, generating revenues, creating jobs and realizing over a $1 million dollar increase in property values as a result of our biostimulation strategy.

[Read the full case study]

To learn more about how your site can (and will) maintain operations, redevelop faster and increase property values faster, give us a call at 603-731-3159.