Want to know more about TerraStryke? Here's our latest video that explains what we do, our products, and their benefits. Click on the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbZCOgKbudU

Want to know more about TerraStryke? Here's our latest video that explains what we do, our products, and their benefits. Click on the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbZCOgKbudU
The bioremediation industry is full of terms that you probably don’t use regularly—and perhaps some that you’ve never heard before! We’re going to break some of them down for you: Benzene Benzene is a volatile organic compound (VOC) typically found at sites where...
From the outside, a dry cleaner is just a place to launder delicate clothing – but inside, if improperly managed, the specialty solvents used to clean your clothing is actually contaminating both soil and groundwater. As these toxic contaminants seep into the...
Want to know more about TerraStryke and what we do, the products we sell, and how we help contaminated sites? Kent Armstrong shares all in this video, produced by the talented folks at Enviro Workshops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mztNmluEBQ