It's a busy upcoming conference season! TerraStryke has been invited to speak at these conferences, and it such an honour, as always. Hope to see you there! Environmental Bankers Association Annual Conference July 31 - August 3
TerraStryke is a proud sponsor of the 2022 CEMS Fall Conference
EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! Terrastryke is proud to be a sponsor of the 2022 CEMS Fall Conference, Innovations for an Era of Environmental Prosperity, taking place on September 20 at the Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, CO. The conference will feature...
Are we ready for Bioremediation 4.0?
An essay by TerraStryke founder Kent Armstrong Bioremediation 4.0 A new realization in bioremediation referred to as Bioremediation 3.0 was recently discussed in a LinkedIn post by Keith Rapp, Pinnacle Environmental. We at TerraStryke Products LLC support and have for...
Join us at IPEConnect for a virtual presentation about Bioremediation 4.0
Still time to register for our live virtual webinar with Enviro Class this Thursday, April 29 from noon – 2 p.m. EDT. This month’s topic will be: Hydrocarbon Options: InSitu, ExSitu, & Absorption.
ERDenhanced™ – Real-life applications, real-life results
ERDenhanced is a straightforward simple solution with sustainable results. This patented biostimulation product provides decades of reducing conditions while realizing complete cVOC biotransformation after a single deployment program. TerraStryke has decades of...
Greater return on your remediation dollar with ERDenhanced™
If you’re the owner of a chlorinated environmental liability, dry cleaner, machine shop, or manufacturing facility, you’ve likely been told that remediating the ground your business sits on will take decades—and hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. Here’s a...